Modernization of the assembly plant for the production of «BV» series installations for water purification and biogenization based on bioresonance technologies
Требует инвестиций

Objective and idea of the project: Organization of production of BV-series installations for water purification and biogenization based on bioresonance technologies

Applicant: «Aiko-Invest» LLP

Project implementation period: 2018

Project implementation place: 201 Nekrasov Street, Serebryansk city, Zyryanovsky district, East Kazakhstan region

Financing scheme: Investment

Expected Result: Payback period - 60 months, production capacity per year: “BV-2” - 240 units, “BV-3” - 24 units, “BV-4” - 3 units

Current status: There are developed prototypes of the BV installation, the results of scientific and industrial tests of the samples, biomedical studies of the effectiveness of the BV-2 installations, patents for the device and methods for producing reagent water.

Availability of documentation: Business plan

Target market: Population of East Kazakhstan region

Job Creation: 150

Requirement for investors: Availability of financial opportunities

Contact information: Inyushin Viktor Mikhailovich
mob tel. +7 775 852 41 14, +7 701 710 67 98

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Asset Management and Investment Department:
Phone: 8 (7232) 22-23-67